It is a damning inditement of our society and economy that one in four Londoners are in poverty in a city ranked as the fourth wealthiest in the world. The good news is that politicians need not look far for policy solutions to turn this dire situation around. Those with lived experience of living on a low income and those who support them in the voluntary and community sector know what is needed, including decent social housing; accessible and affordable childcare; high quality and timely access to healthcare; a fair social security system that meets people’s essential needs; and good quality work paid at, at least, the London Living Wage.
Help us send a message!
Many of you are already involved in vibrant and active campaigns championing all these issues and more; taking part in London Challenge Poverty Week offers an excellent chance to focus the spotlight on them. For those not yet involved this is an opportunity to join in and be involved in bringing the reality of a poverty free London one step closer.

About us
London Challenge Poverty Week is coordinated by 4in10 London’s Child Poverty Network. We are supported by our London Challenge Poverty Week Champions who are involved in leading and shaping the week. These are people with lived experience of poverty, individuals with other specific expertise and/or designated representatives of partner organisations.
The organisations they work with and for include:
London Challenge Poverty Week also receives support from many other organisations who work alongside families on low incomes in the capital. The Week is open to all who share the aim of bringing about a poverty free London, where everyone is treated with equal respect and dignity.
We also work in partnership with The Poverty Alliance who coordinate Challenge Poverty Week in Scotland and Church Action on Poverty who coordinate Challenge Poverty Week England and Wales.
If you are struggling at the moment, please visit the Giving and Getting Help section on the 4in10 website.