How can I get involved?
Taking part in London Challenge Poverty Week 2024 can be both rewarding and impactful. From organising events or launching campaigns to taking smaller, simpler actions – it all counts. The more people who take actions, the more powerful they become.

Some ideas of ways to get involved.
- If you are an organisation who delivers services you might hold an open day/morning/hour and invite people to see how you work and the impact it has.
- Write a blog or invite someone to write a guest blog for your website
- Time the launch of a new report or project during the week
- Hold a question time style event & invite local politicians
- Share key messages on social media
- Make a film, dance, work of art to express the impact of living in poverty
- Speak about your experiences at an event
On each day during London Challenge Poverty Week, we will focus on a different theme. We encourage organisations taking part to use these themes, but this isn’t a requirement, and you are welcome to hold your proposed activities or events on which ever day works best for you.

Monday 14 October
Adequate income – social security and work
Challenging poverty must start with recognition that everyone should have adequate income to live on.

Tuesday 15 October
Housing and Homelessness
Extortionate housing costs are the top driver of poverty in London. Having a secure and affordable home should be the experience of all Londoners.

Wednesday 16 October
Physical and Mental Health
The huge toll poverty takes on health, both physical and mental is undeniable. Recognising and acting on this fact is essential to the well-being of both individuals and our city.

Thursday 17 October
Poverty, dignity and discrimination
The experience of poverty is often compounded by discrimination, which undermines human dignity. Challenging poverty also means challenging discrimination in all its forms.

Friday 18 October
Poverty and climate change
The effects of climate change have a disproportionate impact on those living on the lowest incomes. Addressing and adapting changes to our climate must go hand in hand with tackling poverty and inequality.
For more thoughts and ideas about how to get involved and how to access support and resources check our our Get Involved Guide 2024.
And most importantly of all, if you are planning an event or activity then let us know about it so that we can include it in our communications about the week.
Join us!
If you would like to get involved in London Challenge Poverty Week, please use this form to provide us with your details so that we can stay in touch with you.